Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Way Back Wednesday "So You Say It's Your Birthday....?"

Today is Wednesday, and that of course means that we should dig through our photo albums and find historical treasure. This week's task is birthdays, and is sponsored as always by The Kept Woman.

"...Well, It's My Birthday, too!..."

Let's start at the beginning, well not the actual BIRTH, but the first anniversary of the blessed event...Who could mistake that bewildered expression for anything but awe at the good fortune to have an entire cake for oneself? My grandmother was an excellent cook, and always outdid herself on our cakes.

Next up, turning 3.Are you diggin' on the Howdy Doody bow tie? I've almost forgiven the fam for the horrid fashion choices, but hey, it was the '70s.....

5 years old....I was OBSESSED with ballet at this point, as evidenced by yet another lovely angel food cake with 7-minute icing.

Turning 10.....before orthodontia, but still living in fashion purgatory.What you CAN'T see are the groovy jodphurs and knee boots....

Sweet Sixteen....Kidnap style.This is actually a shot of my friend Jules' sixteen, but mine is very similar, just can't find the photo. We would all converge on the victim's house at the butt crack of dawn on a day near their actual birthday and whisk them away to a pre-school breakfast party. A ton of fun, but ultimately embarrassing.

The Ubiquitous 21....
I had a surprise party at the Spaghetti Warehouse, complete with cake ablaze with sparklers and the entire male staff singing. (There is no photographic evidence of the 'afterparty'.)

Curiously, from this point on the pictures are mostly of birthday gifts, and that we'll save for another WBW. Have a great day, everyone.


Blogger Mama Duck said...

OMG, what a sweet 5th birthday picture!!!

When did birthdays turn into a reminder of our mortality and not a day about gifts and cake?

Or, is that just me? (sigh)

4:02 PM  
Blogger Me said...

You were so cute! Great pics! I played too!

6:32 AM  
Blogger Bente said...

I think I saw the kidnapping friends on their birthday in a movie once, but darn if I can remember when...

These photos are great!

7:55 AM  

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