SPF: Brought to us by the letters L, E, M
Lulu's lashes

Easter eggs

the letter M-n-Ps (constructed at lunch yesterday by the Critter, age 3)
Did you play?
Happy Friday!
Lulu's lashes
Easter eggs
the letter M-n-Ps (constructed at lunch yesterday by the Critter, age 3)
Did you play?
Happy Friday!
In my family it was just me and my brother, and he wasn't the physical type, so I have zero frame of reference. Daddy McAustin has 2 brothers, but they were 4 & 6 years older, and weren't really contemporaries. I don't want my boys to grow up with memories of me as that woman who was always screeching "Stop that!" and "That's too rough!". I do however, want them to make it into adulthood without permanent emotional or physical scars wrought by their supposed loved one. Don't get me wrong, they aren't really violent with one another, and it's never done in a spirit of meanness, but they do play rough together.
Our rule currently is that if someone says "stop", "no", or is obviously NOT having fun anymore, then the play is over. (You know, when they make that wailing sound, and tears are streaming down their face? That usually means the situation has lost its joy for them, and they would like you to quit doing whatever it is you're doing that's making them feel that way.)
And so, to go with the theme I've got going here, I present you with the boys' latest version of the little game we here at Casa McAustin like to refer to as "E.R.: The Dress Rehearsal":
...and again here...
The object of the game (apparently) is to see just how fast you can roll/spin/turn/stop abruptly before the hitchhiker flies off, sailing across the deck to land with a sickening thump in a teary heap. Bonus points for blood.
So my question is this: what's your 'line' for rough play?
We dyed the eggs on Saturday....
... such pretty colors....
Little Bit asks "Are they ready yet?"
The finished product, ready for the Easter Bunny to hide.
On Sunday morning we were ALL ready to go and in the car by 7:30 and at church 10 minutes later, a new collective personal best for the family McAustin. After the service we headed to brunch....and had to wait until the place opened. The boys devoured their pancakes and fruit, and walked out wearing most of the syrup.
Next up: Easter baskets and the egg hunt.
The baskets had all sorts of wonderful stuff in them: markers, stickers, chocolate covered pretzels, stuffed animals, kazoos, racecars, and a few pieces of candy.
The Bunny made some good choices!
The boys check out Lulu's basket.
The great egg hunt...in 90 degree heat.
"I found one!"
"Here's another one!"
The Easter Bunny brought finger paint.
Part of the aftermath...
We hope everyone had as much fun as we did.
I know you're all jealous of my mad photograpy skillz. Stay tuned for another go at it, hopefully a more successful one.
As I vacuumed our bedroom this morning, I had to take note of the nastiness that comes out of our carpet. I vacuum somewhere every day, but since I started going bald, I do so even more often in our bedroom and bathroom. I had just emptied out the cannister yesterday: it's the kind made of clear plastic you can see into, and after just one vacuuming it was half full again with the most disgusting mix of, of.........all the lovely stuff we've been walking on, and my kids have been rolling around in, etc. It's kind of like a car wreck: I can't NOT look, even though it gives me the willies.
I just got all the kids' winter clothes boxed up and stored...whew! Having sets of both winter and spring/summer stuff in multiple sizes for all three kids crowding the closets was driving me crazy. Now maybe that twitch will subside...
As I was putting the boxes in the attic I thought about what a huge job it's going to be to sell all the kids' stuff when the time comes for that. I've always used empty diaper boxes to store their clothes in: I always have several, they're free, sturdy, of a uniform size, and there's no mistaking what's inside. With 3 kids, the stack has now grown to about 30.
Too much to do....family picture on Friday, egg hunt Saturday, house guests Saturday night, Daddy McAustin's birthday on Sunday, my handbell choir plays Sunday, church retreat meeting Sunday afternoon.....
I'll be back...at some point.