To Little Bit on the Occasion of Turning 2
Two years ago, on February 27, 2004 you were born at 3:14 in the afternoon. It was a Friday, 8 days after your due date, and you were expected to be BIG. Since you apparently had no intention of leaving your cozy home on your own, we had to use some pharmaceutical encouragement. You came out screaming, and you've not been quiet since.
You and your brother have had a mutual fascination for one another from the beginning, and you are still the best of buddies.
From the start, you were a good sleeper, although it took FOREVER for you to learn how to put yourself to sleep.
It is a challenge for you still : every night while trying to settle into sleep, you put on "The Little Bit Variety Show" complete with singing, clapping, and nursery rhymes.
You smiled and laughed very early on, and rarely seem unhappy to this day. You came out with tons of personality, and it just continues to deepen.
You are our comedian, and it's nearly impossible to stay angry with you for anything.
I'm fairly certain you know this.
You are a lover of animals of all kinds. You delight in giving Pascal 'teats', and are the only family member Mimi allows to touch her.
You are the consummate 'little brother'. If the Critter is able to do it, playing with it, or going to it, you steadfastly believe you should too, and you give it your all. You were always a great eater, and eat most anything edible and a few things most of us don't consider to be. It still takes you an eternity to finish a meal, and then it takes us another eternity to clean up the mess you've made.
You are our little monkey, but we are glad you've branched out from eating just bananas to other fruits including all members of the berry family: "black babies", "rass babies", "staw babies" and "blue babies".
You are an extremely affectionate child, and love to give and receive big hugs and kisses. No one can leave your presence without getting both. You really seem to enjoy having a younger sister, and play with Lulu very gently. You were an early talker, and have been speaking in complex sentences for several months now.
You still have trouble with consonant blends, and this sometimes raises eyebrows in public when you're talking about your favorite subject: trucks.
You are passionate about everything you do, and I'm sure you'll take the job of being a two-year-old very seriously.
Happy Birthday Buddy, I love you!