I'm sure of it.
I have been blessed with 3 of the most easy-going, mild-mannered, compliant (mostly), soundly-sleeping children ever to draw breath. While friends struggled with toddlers who still had yet to sleep through the night, mine slept through between 8 and 12 weeks; while others had screaming tantrums of epic lengths, mine blew over relatively quickly; while others experienced what seemed to be never-ending separation anxiety, mine rarely looked back. But now? God is getting me back for all those easy times.
I have spent the entirety of 4 of the last 7 days in one of these two places: sitting on the floor in my sons' bathroom as they sit on their toilet seats or sitting on the carpet in my den watching my bare-bottomed sons like a hawk for 'the signs' of needing to go. "Helping" Elmo use the potty. Pulling down "big boy diapers". Singing every toddler tune known to man and making up several new ones no one but my sons will ever hear. Pushing liquids on these kids as if I were a drug dealer looking to hook a couple new customers. Reading aloud every single book in their library four frillion times. Playing untold number of games of "I Spy" and building more train scenarios than I care to remember. Getting NOTHING done around the house.
Willing these children to 'go'.
Wondering how much liquid a toddler can ingest before exploding or their eyes begin to float.
Witnessing not one single drop make it to the exit.
Except, of course, on the den rug during those 6 seconds I turned my back to answer the one phone call I had to take.
Elmo is mocking me.
If any of you have hints/tricks that worked for you PLEASE let me in on the secret. I understand that it doesn't happen overnight, nor do I expect that, but I really think that if we could get started, they would get the hang of it fairly quickly. They both are "ready" in the sense of all the signs. A positive: I don't think I've ever spent this many uninterrupted hours playing with them! We've had a lot of fun, and they should at least have good memories of that.